Kartu Bisnis

Kartu Bisnis
Member ID : GLN0000982
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Minggu, 25 Mei 2014


Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


There are a lot of other people in this world. You’ll do much better in life when you are good to those people.

There is one of you, and billions of everyone else. The more of those billions who have a positive experience with you, the better.

Being considerate to others is old fashioned. That means it has stood the test of time.

Before you act, before you speak, think of the impact it will have on everyone else. Then make the choice that makes the world where you live a better one.

Take care not to sacrifice the goodwill of others just to grab yourself a momentary advantage or convenience. Live with respect and consideration, even when it is not noticed.

The behavior of each person directly influences the kind of world we all live in. Make it a good place for everyone to be.

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Rabu, 21 Mei 2014

Daily Inspiration : INSPIRED

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


Be inspired. And be an inspiration.

Let life inspire you in every little detail. Then pass that inspiration along, injecting your own flavor into it.

You don’t need a big, impressive event to be inspired. You don’t need a grand vista or an ornate cathedral.

You just have to step back and consider how vastly rich life is, in this moment. Simply be thankful for whatever is in front of you, and a little bit curious, and slightly adventurous.

Draw inspiration from seeing the brilliance, listening to the harmonies, feeling the textures and sensing the aromas of the world in this moment. Then push that inspiration back into the world with your own words and actions.

Wherever you are, take inspiration, and in whatever you do, give it back. Enjoy your part in a never-ending, inspiring cycle that continues to lift up all of life.

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Rabu, 14 Mei 2014

Daily Inspiration : FIVE REASONS

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


Give yourself five reasons why this will be the best day yet. You are skilled and experienced at engaging your imagination, so put it to use in a positive way.

How many times have you considered doing something, and then thought of all the reasons why you cannot? Today, use that same power to think of reasons why you can, and why you will.

It is just as easy to be positive and ambitious as it is to be negative and disillusioned. The difference is in the choice you make.

Direct the power of your thinking and the power of your life where they will do you some real good. Create an inspiring scenario in your thoughts, then step forward and live the reality of those thoughts.

Choose an attitude and a set of expectations that will support your life and your highest dreams. The fulfillment of those dreams is not only possible, it is yours to start living right now.

Get in the habit of listing all the reasons why you can, why you will, and why you must. Then get busy, for where your thoughts lead, your life will surely follow.

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Senin, 12 Mei 2014

Daily Inspiration :PROVEN PATH

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


An action that doesn’t get very good results is still better than no action at all. Being mediocre at doing something is better than being highly skilled at doing nothing.

Your initial effort at solving the problem or reaching the achievement may not work. But that’s no reason to avoid the effort.

Even if you fail, and fail again, you can still reach the success you seek. However, if you let the fear of failure prevent you from taking action, you will never achieve that success.

Do your best. If that’s not good enough, get better.

The way to get better is by doing. Whether the results are what you intended or not, every action makes you stronger, more capable, more experienced and more effective.

Develop your best strategy, take action, learn from it, and do it again. That is the proven path to wherever you wish to go.

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Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

Daily Inspiration : DIFFERENT IN A GOOD WAY

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


Would you like to get a leg up on life? Then be reliable in an unreliable world.

Be truthful in a world in which dishonesty is all too easy and all too common. Be authentic in a world that is weary of people pretending to be something they’re not.

Be persistent and consistent. Be compassionate, friendly, helpful, and full of pleasant surprises.

In situations where tempers are flaring, be patient. Amid the noise and confusion and distractions, stay focused.

Though you may look foolish, you can be optimistic and then act on those optimistic expectations. Even when it may seem that no one cares, you can be positively purposeful.

Be different in a good way, and the world will take note. Live true to your highest values, and spread richness throughout life.

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Senin, 05 Mei 2014

Daily Inspiration : THE DIFFICULT STUFF

Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1 -


Don’t be afraid of the difficult stuff. Get enthusiastic about it.

Don’t avoid the hard, complicated tasks. Run out and greet them with open arms.

Imagine how great it will be to have those things done, and to have the value they will create. Imagine, then jump in and enjoy bringing that value to life.

While everybody else is complaining about and avoiding and resenting what they must do, leap out ahead and distinguish yourself. Embrace the challenges and activate your resourcefulness to transform those challenges into achievement.

Great opportunities are everywhere in this world. Let yourself know the joy and satisfaction of making those great opportunities into shining new realities.

Go ahead and put forth some challenging effort in the service of a meaningful purpose. And see how quickly it energizes your life.

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