Selasa, 29 April 2014
Daily Inspiration : ACTIVE AND CREATIVE
Creativity is powered by activity. If you’re not feeling creative, idleness will not help the situation.
When you can’t think of what you want to do, say, write, paint, build or compose, then do something else. Anything that gets you up and going will refresh your supply of ideas and insights.
Put the whole of yourself into life. That’s how you’ll discover ways to get the most from it.
If you can be of real service to others, that’s even better. Stimulate your creative power with the experience of making a difference.
Passion, innovation and creativity go hand in hand with action. There is action you can take right now to get the juices flowing.
Get active and you’ll get creative. Participate in this moment and you’ll unleash a whole new stream of creative energy.
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Senin, 21 April 2014
The more sincere your efforts are, the more effective they will be. Ultimate effectiveness comes from the highest degree of sincerity.
When you’re acting from your essence, you’re acting at your highest level of strength. Let the real you come forth in whatever you do, and it can be almost magical.
You have great value that’s yours and yours alone, but if you keep that value hidden away, it is of no use to anyone. Put the value of the inner you into your outer life and actions, and everyone will benefit.
Allow sincerity to infect your thoughts and actions with its positive power. Use your time and energy to contribute to life rather than concealing yourself from life.
Go with the most sincere choice and say the most sincere thing. Be open and honest, allowing your uniqueness to shine through.
Be sincere. And get more results, more influence, more life and richness from your time and effort.
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Daily Inspiration : MAKING UP FOR LOST TIME
If you’ve wasted the whole day, or many days, or years, that’s unfortunate. But it is behind you and it doesn’t stop you from making the most of right now.
If you’re disappointed for any reason in what has happened up to this moment, choose to transform the energy of that disappointment into inspiration. Use the positive inspiration to immediately start making up for lost time.
While you’re at it, add some gratitude for the chance you now have. See how enthusiastic you can be about the opportunity to make a difference.
You don’t have to re-write history, yet you can now relate to it any way you choose. Choose to let all that has happened, whatever it may be, teach you and encourage you to live this moment in a meaningful and productive way.
You’ve made your way to right now, and you’ve earned the chance to live it fully. With your actions, your priorities, your words, attitude and thoughts, give yourself what you’ve earned.
This is the time that counts, and this is your moment to use. Much has happened to bring you here, and now you can make it all for the best.
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Senin, 07 April 2014
If your efforts are not bringing results, don’t make yourself into a victim, complaining about how unfair life is. Change your efforts, making them more focused and effective.
If something is not working for you, don’t make a lot of excuses or look for someone to blame. Instead, look for how you can change your strategy.
Yes, conditions have changed and they will continue to change even faster than before. Rather than seeing that as an excuse, see it as an opportunity.
Doing something new is not a sure thing, but if you refuse to change, it is a sure thing that you’ll get yourself stuck in the past.
If whatever has worked in the past no longer works, that can be disturbing and uncomfortable. Can you find a way to see discomfort as your friend, to push on through, and to transform a disappointing change into a positive opportunity?
Life is not fair, and the world does not stand still, waiting for you to catch up. Yet even in such a challenging environment, you have what it takes to experience a rich and fulfilling life.
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Minggu, 06 April 2014
Daily Inspiration : TODAY IS A DAY TO LIVE FULLY
Start the day with gratitude for all the goodness you’ve known. Then transform the energy of that gratitude into excitement about what you can now do.
There is a great big opportunity in front of you right now. The future has not yet been determined, and you can play a role in how it unfolds.
Live the rest of this day in such a way that you’ll have no regrets when it comes to an end. Let the possibilities and your positive vision of life energize you to make the most of today’s opportunities.
Choose to raise your awareness to a level where you won’t be distracted or deterred by the meaningless, superficial noise you encounter. Commit to the goal of making progress today, and enjoy the experience of pushing yourself forward no matter what obstacles fall in your path.
Today is a day to be determined, ambitious, intentional, and to demonstrate your love for life with all the good things you do for it. Today is a day to let your every thought and action be guided by your highest vision.
Today is a day to pleasantly surprise yourself with how focused and effective you can be. Today is a day to live fully, so take the opportunity and run with it.
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Kamis, 03 April 2014
Daily Inspiration : FEEL THE FEELINGS
Do more than just longing for the good feelings you’ve known in the past or the ones you hope to feel in the future. Feel those feelings now, where you are.
Allow yourself to love the life you have and the moment you’re in. Let yourself enjoy the beauty in every detail.
Put away any temptation you have to make judgments, or to worry, or to fear. Feel the joy in your good fortune of living life as it is and being able to make a difference.
Instead of just wishing you could feel a certain way, remind yourself that the feeling you seek is yours to choose right now. Instead of depending on circumstances for your feelings, turn it around and let your circumstances flow from your good feelings.
You have power over the way you see life and feel about it. That power makes amazing things possible, for when you are sufficiently motivated you can make amazing things happen.
Go ahead and feel the best you’ve ever felt. Then feel the power, and use it to create new goodness that expresses those good feelings.
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