There are a lot of other people in this world. You’ll do much better in life when you are good to those people.
There is one of you, and billions of everyone else. The more of those billions who have a positive experience with you, the better.
Being considerate to others is old fashioned. That means it has stood the test of time.
Before you act, before you speak, think of the impact it will have on everyone else. Then make the choice that makes the world where you live a better one.
Take care not to sacrifice the goodwill of others just to grab yourself a momentary advantage or convenience. Live with respect and consideration, even when it is not noticed.
The behavior of each person directly influences the kind of world we all live in. Make it a good place for everyone to be.
....... baca selengkapnya di Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1
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